Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Beneath Stone and Sacrifice Release Day

Between Ink and Shadows book three Beneath Stone and Sacrifice is available now! Find it at your favorite retailer in ebook, print, and hardcover.

An outcast queen. A stolen crown. A war with magic.

Nimona Weston has fallen into a game from which there’s no agreeable way out. The stakes have risen, putting everyone she loves at risk. As she uncovers old secrets, the dark magic resting in the foundations of Inara begin to stir. She’s running out of time. If Nim can’t find a way to stop the queen, the Trust will rise like the river of power beneath the kingdom, devouring everything in its path.

Magical contracts, blood-debt accountants, and a deadly game. An epic fantasy series with regency flair, an improper and slightly stabby heroine with a penchant for trouble, clean, slow burn romance, and a dark and twisty plot that pits magic against kings, love against power, and a gothic underworld against a kingdom desperate to survive. Perfect for fans of Sorcery of Thorns and The Shadows Between Us.​​

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Seven Ways to Kill a King Cover Reveal

I'm thrilled to share the cover for Seven Ways to Kill a King, coming September 1, 2020. Illustration by the amazing Luisa Preissler with typography by Silver Wing Press.

 She was born a princess. They made her an assassin.

One was an accident. Two a coincidence. By three, they would know. It would be harder, but I would avenge my mother’s death. These kings would pay that price.

Seven cities make up the Storm Queen’s Realm, each of their self-crowned, murderous kings are one of Princess Myrina’s marks. The treasonous curs may have banded together to share a stolen throne, but soon they will fall.

They thought her dead, killed in the massacre. They thought their rule secure, but Myrina of Stormskeep has awoken. With the help of her loyal bloodsworn, the shadow princess will have her revenge.

For fans of The Witcher and Game of Thrones—a new princess set on vengeance is here to steal your heart.

Pre-order now at Amazon,  Apple Books  Barnes & NobleGoogle Play, and Kobo